8A Tacilevu

soil map units where 8A Tacilevu is dominant

Soil properties

Property Value
Geographic distribution All islands
Landscape position Beach dunes of the coastal margins
Soil parent material calcareous sand
Slope Flat to gently undulating (0-1°). Hummocky microrelief due to windthrow..
Surface outcrops No surface rock outcrops. Few surface coral stones.
Brief soil profile description -
Soil profile texture 0-46cm shelly sandy loam. 46-81cm stony sandy loam. 81-100cm stony coarse sand. On cemented beach rock.
Minimum effective rooting depth <100cm. Wet season subsoil waterlogging and low nutrient status below 16cm.
Soil pH (acidity) 0-16cm moderately alkaline. 16-100cm strongly alkaline.
Salinity Non saline.
Soil fertility under natural conditions Available phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) very low. Organic carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) very low below 16cm.
Soil moisture regime udic/perudic
Susceptibility to drought In normal years soil moisture deficits are never experienced.
Soil drainage Poorly drained.
Susceptibility to waterlogging Perched water table. In normal years waterlogging may occur for up to 60 days sometime in the period November to April.
Susceptibility to flooding Never flooded. Subject to wave encroachment during severe storm events.

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