7A Yasawa

soil map units where 7A Yasawa is dominant

Soil properties

Property Value
Geographic distribution All islands
Landscape position Beach dunes of the coastal margins
Soil parent material calcareous sand
Slope Flat to gently undulating (0-2°). Generally smooth but surface hummocks where wind throw has occurred.
Surface outcrops No surface rock outcrops. Common coral surface stone.
Brief soil profile description -
Soil profile texture 60cm medium sand. Medium sand. 60-125cm stony medium sand.
Minimum effective rooting depth >125cm. Low nutrient supply below 10-15cm.
Soil pH (acidity) Moderately alkaline 0-125cm.
Salinity Non saline. Saline water table >125cm near to coastline.
Soil fertility under natural conditions Phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) values very low. Low organic matter status.
Soil moisture regime ustic
Susceptibility to drought In most years soil moisture deficits are experienced for 100 days during the months of May to October.
Soil drainage Excessively drained.
Susceptibility to waterlogging Never waterlogged. Water table >125cm from surface. Water table fluctuates at depth with the tides.
Susceptibility to flooding Never flooded.

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