37A Korovuli

soil map units where 37A Korovuli is dominant

Soil properties

Property Value
Geographic distribution Viti Levu, Vanua Levu
Landscape position Relict terraces in the lowlands and foothills
Soil parent material river alluvium from basic and intermediate rocks
Slope Flat to gently undulating (0-3°). Microrelief has slight alluvial ridge and swale.
Surface outcrops No surface rock outcrops. No surface stones.
Brief soil profile description -
Soil profile texture 0-125cm silty clay.
Minimum effective rooting depth >100cm. Nutrient deficiencies below 50cm.
Soil pH (acidity) 0-125cm moderately acid.
Salinity Non saline.
Soil fertility under natural conditions Organic carnon (C) is low in topsoil and very low in subsoils. Low % base saturation at depth. Potassium (K) very low throughout.
Soil moisture regime ustic
Susceptibility to drought In normal years soil moisture deficits are experienced >100 days sometime within the period May to October.
Soil drainage Well drained.
Susceptibility to waterlogging Due to heavy clay textures profiles below 80cm may experience some short duration waterlogging sometimes during the months of November to April.
Susceptibility to flooding Never flooded.

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