209A Kuta

soil map units where 209A Kuta is dominant

Soil properties

Property Value
Geographic distribution Taveuni
Landscape position Swamps in the uplands
Soil parent material organic materials
Slope Flat. Uneven (hummocky) microrelief.
Surface outcrops No surface rock outcrops. No surface stones or boulders.
Brief soil profile description -
Soil profile texture 0-270cm soft weakly decomposed fibrous peat. 270-280cm peaty loamy fine sand.
Minimum effective rooting depth 0cm
Soil pH (acidity) 0-280cm strongly acid.
Salinity Non saline.
Soil fertility under natural conditions Generally low nutrient status.
Soil moisture regime aquic
Susceptibility to drought Never experiences soil moisture deficits.
Soil drainage Very poorly drained.
Susceptibility to waterlogging Permanently waterlogged.
Susceptibility to flooding Permanently flooded.

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