177B Navava

soil map units where 177B Navava is dominant

Soil properties

Property Value
Geographic distribution Vanua Levu
Landscape position Hill country in the lowlands and foothills
Soil parent material basic and intermediate igneous rocks
Slope Undulating (4-7°). Smooth microrelief.
Surface outcrops Few surface rock outcrops. No surface stones or boulders.
Brief soil profile description -
Soil profile texture 0-70cm clay. 70-102cm fine sandy clay. On weathered in situ rock (coarse sandy loam).
Minimum effective rooting depth <100cm. Weathered in situ rock at about 100cm.
Soil pH (acidity) 0-25cm slightly acid. 25-102cm near neutral. 102-129cm slightly alkaline.
Salinity Non saline.
Soil fertility under natural conditions Very low potassium (K) below 9cm.
Soil moisture regime udic/perudic
Susceptibility to drought In normal years soil moisture deficits are never experienced.
Soil drainage Well drained.
Susceptibility to waterlogging Never waterlogs.
Susceptibility to flooding Never floods.

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