175B Galoa

soil map units where 175B Galoa is dominant

Soil properties

Property Value
Geographic distribution Gau
Landscape position Hill country in the lowlands and foothills
Soil parent material basic and intermediate igneous rocks
Slope Undulating (4-7°). Even microrelief.
Surface outcrops No surface rock outcrops. No surface stones or boulders.
Brief soil profile description -
Soil profile texture 0-12cm friable to firm clay. 12-42cm firm clay. 42-103cm friable clay.
Minimum effective rooting depth <100cm
Soil pH (acidity) 0-103cm strongly acid.
Salinity Non saline.
Soil fertility under natural conditions Very low nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K).
Soil moisture regime udic/perudic
Susceptibility to drought In normal years soil moisture deficits of 20-30 days are experienced sometime in the period May to October.
Soil drainage Well drained.
Susceptibility to waterlogging Never waterlogs.
Susceptibility to flooding Never floods.

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